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In Price Pritchett's book, "You2: A High Velocity Formula for Multiplying Your Personal Effectiveness in Quantum Leaps", he explains the concept of You2 by telling a story about a fly. The fly is determined to escape through a closed window. It tries and tries and tries, but without success. If the fly was open to new ideas, it would realize that it could escape though an open door only seconds away. However, the fly dies trying to escape.

The moral of the story is this: Trying harder is not necessarily the solution for achieving more and it may not offer any promise for getting what you want out of life. In fact, if you stake your dreams on the notion of trying harder than ever, you may kill your chances for success. You2 suggests that we can increase our personal and professional performance exponentially, rather than incrementally. It implies an explosive jump in our personal performance that puts us far beyond the next logical step. The TIR program incorporates this principal and teaches us to move beyond logic. It teaches us that if we are going to achieve higher levels of performance, we need to rid ourselves of the logic that is controlling us (i.e., our paradigms).

As a Certified PGI Consultant, I can teach and mentor individuals and teams through this process. It takes the "Belief" that you're capable of achieving great results, the "Will" to try and the "Openness" to change your ineffective paradigms. For more information, send me a message or visit my website

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